COMMUNICATION is essential for good treatment.
When physicians enhance communication skills, we see improvement—not just in patient experience, but also in patient safety, comprehension, and clinical outcomes. Professional coaching makes communication more satisfying for physicians as well, helping them manage challenging conversations with patients and coworkers.
LEADERSHIP energizes effective organizations.
When leaders use proven techniques to enhance the work environment, we see improvement in performance, professional satisfaction, and retention of a quality workforce. Private coaching lets us customize topics to the executive's individual needs, to feel more competent, confident, and productive as an effective leader.
WELLBEING supports your professional development.
When you feel better, you do better. Like caring for the roots of a tree, helping people work at their best includes supporting their personal capacity for resilience along with professional development. Private coaching helps to process and debrief challenges, manage stress, and explore practical strategies to enhance personal and professional satisfaction.
How does PRN Consulting help?
Since 2007, we’ve designed and taught hundreds of CME and Professional Development programs at hospitals, clinics, universities and medical conferences in the U.S. and Europe. Our current programs provide private, on-line coaching for organizations and individuals, to enhance the communication, leadership skills, and professional resilience of physicians and healthcare executives.